The Exhibit
“Let LOVE Guide Your Way” is an art project to spread the message of Universal LOVE: to encourage kindness, compassion & tolerance.
“Let LOVE Guide Your Way” is an interactive public art project that allows the community to view, participate and contribute their experience of kindness.
The message of Universal LOVE is conveyed through the art, the exhibits, and the interactive website. The art is represented with kinetic and static sculpture: Heart-shapes turned sideways and weathervanes represent the art for the project. In addition, the project has interactive written and video components that allow for community participation, contribution and interaction.
A weathervane is a device used to measure wind direction. A weathervane is also a metaphoric expression to describe people who change their views frequently. In a chaotic world, when faced with a dilemma, let love guide your way.

‘Let LOVE Guide Your Way’ is a meeting place during St Patty’s Day Celebration in Dewey Park, Boynton Beach, FL
The Indoor Display Component
The additional features of the Let LOVE Guide Your Way project is conducive for an indoor interactive exhibit. The focus on the exhibit is to create a ‘Celebration for Kindness & Universal LOVE.
The indoor exhibit for Let LOVE Guide Your Way would include multiple viewing sections. Each section is designed to encourage the viewer to interact through touch or technology. The viewing segments would include:
A) a section about Kindness and why it is necessary to exist in our culture. Information that suggests that Kindness can cure our World problems.
B) an educational section about How to be Kind. Surprisingly, research shows we are not teaching our youth the importance of Kindness and how to be Kind
C) an educational section explaining wind technology, the purpose of wind vanes and how the arrow points into the wind. An explanation of engineering that uses the Original and the Replica wind vane designs as examples. Note: The Original piece is welded steel and the Replica is assembled without a screw or a weld!
D) A section that explains the story of the project – Let LOVE Guide Your Way in five video monitors displayed on a wall. Each monitor would display a 30-second endless video loop chronologically explaining how the Original wind vane was created, delivered and installed.
E) A section that allows visitors to interact and share their Story of Kindness. Three keyboards would be placed on tables in front of a large monitor. The monitor would be displaying in a scrolling format the Stories of Kindness from the project. The keyboards would allow visitors to type their experience and to contribute their Story of Kindness,
F) a section that allows visitors to view Interviews of Kindness of a large monitor. A large monitor would display the interviews in scrolling format. Visitors would be encouraged to contribute & participate, and to hand-write their answers to the 5 questions that are viewed on the monitor.
G) an art section and a specific selling area with #LetLOVEGuideYourWay gifts that uses the repurposed metal scrap from the project to create one-of-a-kind art, Heart Shapes and Replicas Wind Vanes.
The original “Let LOVE Guide Your Way” weather vane is installed in Dewey Park, Boynton Beach, Florida, is created in steel, weighs 1850 pounds, is 16 feet tall and has a circumference spin of 16 feet.